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5 tips to support siblings of children with additional needs

blog parents siblings Mar 28, 2024

Our mission at HRD Consultancy is to ensure that every individual with learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, neurodivergent, are able to thrive and reach their full potential.

When you have a child with additional needs, their siblings may feel overlooked...

It was certainly something that I struggled with when my children were younger. My eldest son did not have a diagnosis, but my younger two did, and there were often times when he'd say things like it wasn't fair or that I treated them differently, that they get more attention than him, and the like.
Now, that's because actually we have to adapt the way that we parent according to each child.
And I think that would have been the case had my children not had autism, but became even more heightened because they did.
And I know you probably resonate. It's a common challenge we have as parents of children with additional needs.

So I've put together a few tips from my latest video session in the Nurture Space Facebook Group called  "Supporting Siblings of Children with Additional Needs." 

Siblings often face unique challenges and emotions as they navigate life with a brother or sister with additional needs. They may feel that their own needs are being overlooked or that they aren’t receiving as much care or attention as their brother or sister.

And I know that as a parent it can be really difficult to navigate that as well as juggle all your children’s needs.

5 tips for siblings

1. Open Communication

Encourage siblings to express their feelings and concerns about their sibling's disability.
Validate their emotions and experiences, fostering a supportive environment.

2. Provide Age-Appropriate Information
Offer explanations about their sibling's condition in a way they can understand.

Utilise resources like books or online materials to help them grasp the concept and reduce misconceptions.

3. Quality One-on-One Time

Dedicate individual time to each sibling to nurture their interests and hobbies.

Simple activities like grabbing a milkshake or attending their sports matches show your investment in their well-being.

4. Foster Independence

Assign age-appropriate responsibilities to siblings to promote a sense of contribution and confidence within the family unit.

Things as simple as helping out with chores is really helpful for them.

5. Celebrate Achievements

Acknowledge and praise each child's accomplishments, regardless of size!

Celebrating milestones together reinforces their sense of worth and value within the family.

I hope you have found these tips useful. If you'd like to explore this topic further, drop me an email at [email protected]   with 'TALK' in the subject line and we can schedule a free Clarity call together. 

Make sure to follows us @hrdconsultancy on social media to stay updated and get the latest tips on parenting neurodiverse children to ensure you move from burnt-out to thriving.



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